Centru de cunoștințe

Explorarea bazei de cunoștințe aprofundate

Acest manifest va demonstreaza ca, urmand cateva sfaturi in administrarea flotei, puteti reduce semnificativ costurile simultan cu cresterea productivitatii si satisfactiei clientilor reducand, de asemenea, timpii morti. Aceste practici sunt valabile atat companiilor mari de transport dar si celor cu cateva vehicule. De fapt, unele din recomandarile acestui document se aplica chiar firmelor ce nu detin autovehicule in proprietate, dupa cum veti vedea.

This paper explains where to place Frotcom’s tracking device inside a vehicle, considering the different types of vehicles and the most frequent obstacles that block the satellite signals from GPS and other Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) used by Frotcom.
This paper helps you calculate the Return On Investment with Frotcom. It shows that with the adoption of Frotcom, it is possible to significantly improve cost efficiency, customer satisfaction, and productivity while reducing downtimes.
Beneficiaza de experianta si cunostintele noastre