We are looking for people who share our values
We build our fleet management tools to help companies achieve sustainability and to act in an environmentally friendly way .
We will always strive to excel in a single mission, rather than attempt to spread our efforts elsewhere. That is why we are focused in intelligent fleet management for companies. That’s what we do .
We cannot expect to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results. We learn from our mistakes to ensure that we do not make the same mistake twice .
Fleet management is a huge dynamic field of expertise. Our team has a lot of experience, but we will never know it all. If we are not sure about something, we don’t risk a wrong answer. We’ll learn about it before we give an answer .
We do not care if we could make money selling poor quality solutions to price sensitive businesses. We believe that most customers want high quality solutions, so that is what we build and provide .
We do not act unethically or unfairly to clients, colleagues, business partners, suppliers or competitors. Companies need to make money. We believe this should be done by adding value to society, not by fooling others .
It's a great feeling to know that your work is used and appreciated by thousands of companies worldwide .
We believe in fair compensation
We believe that in the long run a company's remuneration will be proportional to the value it adds to society. A company which does not add value is not economically viable and therefore has no reason to exist .
We believe in teamwork
We will always aim at hiring people with great professional skills. But that will not be enough if we do not work well as a team. Teamwork Is what makes us strong .
We're established and we're growing
Frotcom International ist ein globaler Anbieter von Fahrzeugverfolgungs- und Flottenmanagementsystemen. Wir sind ein solides Unternehmen und schätzen unsere Mitarbeiter, warum auch sie bei uns gern bleiben. Obwohl wir ein erfolgreiches und preisgekröntes Team sind, handeln wir gerne informell. Wir fordern alle Kandidaten, die zu einem Produkt beitragen möchten, das weltweit von Tausenden von Unternehmen verwendet wird, auf, sich uns anzuschließen. In unserem Team werden Sie von Bedeutung sein .
Want to contribute to a better world?
If you want your work to really matter in reducing the carbon footprint and global warming, don't just talk about it. Join us. Make a difference.