Driving behavior analysis
Few things impact your fleet’s costs as much as driving behavior.
For most vehicles on the market today, the impact of eco-driving vs. aggressive driving on fuel consumption can exceed 30%. Some studies have also shown that average fuel consumption in a fleet of trucks or vans can decrease on average by as much as 7% by implementing the appropriate driving behavior. Huge savings!
You understand the impact driving behavior can have on your fleet’s running costs. How do you make sure your vehicles are driven according to driving recommendations?
With the help of Frotcom’s driving behavior module, you will be able to reduce these costs significantly. Monitor how your vehicles are being driven and help drivers improve their driving behavior. At the end of the day, you will see the results.
You will know every step of the way how your vehicles are being driven with Frotcom’s Driving behavior analysis. This module controls accelerations and braking, idling, and in some cases over revving (RPMs) and cruise control usage.
Your drivers will receive a score according to their driving behavior. This allows you to train, measure, reward and coach your drivers in order to attain maximum performance.
Each time a driver accelerates or brakes harshly, an alert is sent to Frotcom's Data Center.
Additionally, information about over idling (too much time with engine on and no movement) is also collected.
Finally, for most trucks on the market (also some buses and construction machinery allowing vehicle data to be read via the so called CANBus standard), Frotcom is able to extract information about over-revving (excessive RPMs), engine temperature and the use of cruise control.
Frotcom then ranks the drivers according to the quantity and duration of these excesses. You can fine tune the ranking criteria by choosing the weight of the variables above in the final calculation.
For each driver and vehicle, you can also inspect and share with the driver, in detail, each driving variable. This will allow you and the drivers to better understand how the vehicles are being used, the typical excesses for each driver and which driving habits need to be corrected.
Remember that the difference between good driving (also known as eco-driving) and aggressive driving is a significant reduction in fuel costs, gas emissions, accidents and maintenance.
For better results
To maximize your results train, measure, reward and coach:
1. Explain to your drivers the need for more economical and ecological driving behavior; explain the advantages in terms of cost reduction, lower ecological impact, more vehicle uptime and fewer accidents.
2. Inform your drivers that driving behavior will be monitored and reported by Frotcom, in order to detect excesses.
3. Train your drivers in eco-driving; if you do not have the expertise in house, there are several companies specialized in professional driving training which can help you.
4. Check Frotcom’s Driving behavior module on a weekly or monthly basis and analyze the results.
5. Place the names of the best drivers (for example the top 5) on an honor board. Consider recognizing the best driver or the best drivers with some kind of reward, even if it is symbolic.
6. At the same time, help the drivers with the worst driving records by holding one on one meetings to discuss the issues in their driving patterns and the impact they have on fuel consumption, mechanics, gas emissions and risk of accidents. Always be sure to explore the reasons for that behavior. You do not want to be unfair.
7. Repeat this every week/month. Register their progress.
Average fuel consumption in a fleet of trucks or vans can decrease by as much as 7% by implementing appropriate driving behavior.
Some studies find that the impact on the number of accidents is even larger; 70% reductions have been reported.
By avoiding aggressive driving, your vehicles will be safer from wear and tear, meaning lower maintenance costs and fewer downtimes.
In the end, you will spend a lot less on your fleet in fuel, tires, maintenance and accident claims/insurance.
Last but not least, Frotcom can also help you reduce your carbon footprint by reducing mileage and improving driving behavior.
Devices and accessories
With this system, it is possible to receive alerts when the hardware detects a Fatigue or Distraction event from the driver.