How to provide great customer service through Frotcom?
We’ve been providing an updated overview of the Benefits of Frotcom: Comply with legislation, Control your fleet operational costs, Increase productivity and Increase Safety.
In this issue we'll be focusing our attention on exceptional customer service.
Provide a great service to your customers

In today's business world, competition is fierce. Now more than ever, you’ll need to focus your efforts on exceptional customer service. Provide a consistent, top-notch service to keep your customers happy. Here’s our guide to achieving superior quality of service:
- Be price-competitive: In today’s competitive market, one of your main challenges is to keep your prices as competitive as possible, in order to avoid being undercut by your competitors. Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to lose money. The only way to stay price-competitive is to keep your costs as low as possible without compromising on quality.
- Be flexible: It is sometimes necessary to adapt your service to particular circumstances. For instance, a customer may ask you for a service when your day is otherwise planned out. You need tools that allow you to accept the service, quickly and clearly communicate roster changes to the corresponding drivers and, finally, deliver the service on time with minimal impact on other services, disruption to your organization or upsetting other customers. By using such tools, you are able to take on more services, satisfy your customers and make more money in the process..
- Keep your customers in the loop: If you want to provide an excellent service, keep your customers informed about the status of the services you are providing them. The unknown can be a source of stress, so reduce your customers’ anxiety levels by giving them a front row seat to your services. For example, you can activate tracking tickets for some of your customers, these special permissions allow them to directly track the vehicles executing their services. Or you can configure Frotcom to send emails or text notifications to your customers when your vehicles are about to arrive at their destination.
- Keep your word: Your word is your bond, and the last thing customers want to hear are excuses. “I understand your truck had an accident, and I’m sorry about that, but I need my goods here before 7PM sharp, as you promised, otherwise my production will stop and I’ll miss my deadline.” What do you do? You need to quickly come up with alternatives. You need to know which vehicle can pick up the cargo and deliver it to the customer. You need to know which is the nearest available vehicle, check the driver’s accumulated driving times – to make sure he or she can still do it that day – and then reassign the job to that driver. Your customers will be used to you delivering services on time, even if they are unaware of the small miracles you have to perform every day, in order to pull it off.
- Frotcom
- Great customer service
- Legal compliance
- Operational costs
- Increase productivity
- Increase safety
- Quality of service
- Vehicle tracking
- Intelligent fleets
- Fleet management