Acacia Car Rentals sees constant improvements since fitting Frotcom

Acacia Car Rentals based in Namibia, offers brand new, top-of-the-range vehicles, at the same time prioritizing their drivers’ safety and service experience, to give them an unforgettable holiday.
Client Goals and Challenges
With the goal of continuous improvement, Acacia’s desire for safety is at the forefront of their vision.

After a thorough web-based research for car monitoring systems and tracking in Namibia, Mr. Tikila Munashimwe, Vehicle, and Rented Properties Administrator of Acacia Car Rentals, chose Frotcom because “we needed accurate records of the speed traveled by each vehicle and complete details of the journeys made to ensure that the risk of theft and damage were mitigated”.
The implementation of Frotcom was smooth, a technician was sent out to install the devices, and the user profiles created for the list of vehicles contained all the necessary information. Staff training was smoother still as verified by Mr. Munashimwe, “Hands-on training is the perfect way for our employees to absorb the ins and outs of the Frotcom program’s main headings and subheadings on the panel. The support has been excellent and completely proactive.”

Client Benefits
Since implementing Frotcom, driving behavior has definitely improved, as have communications with staff and rental customers. Vehicle misuse has decreased dramatically and speeding has become a thing of the past. Tracking and monitoring, as well as notebook features, allow the administrator and other users to post up-to-the-minute updates on vehicles, and drivers at a specific time without deleting any records. This minimizes risk, creates a one-to-one communication channel with the driver, and enables any company member to access the information for record-keeping purposes.
Frotcom reports offer feedback on vehicle activity, which is imperative for the organization to budget for future growth.
According to Mr. Munashimwe, “Risks to Acacia were minimized as Frotcom provided us with a one-to-one communication channel with every driver and enabled our staff to access any required information for record-keeping purposes. Our vehicles make trips through the deserts of Namibia and South Africa, having predefined zones. If a vehicle passes the limit defined, an alert is sent to the owner, by email or SMS through Frotcom. The increased efficiency we have enjoyed since fitting Frotcom has created a marked improvement to our bottom line.”
Frotcom’s technology also helped Acacia to mitigate the risk of theft and damage to vehicles, reducing operational costs. They can also use Frotcom to prove to customers and staff (who drive the vehicles), the validity of speeding fines or fines for other traffic violations.
With its focus on putting safety first, Acacia is increasing customer service levels and improving business operations. We wish them the best of luck, for what appears a very bright future.