A set of new configurations has been added to Frotcom allowing you to customize the way you assess Driving Behavior data in your company.
In Administration > Account > Driving behavior, you can configure the parameters to fit the combination of Driving Behavior factors that best suits your enterprise:

For better results train, measure, reward, and coach:
- Explain to your drivers the need for more economical and ecological driving behavior; explain the advantages of cost reduction, lower environmental impact, more vehicle uptime, and fewer accidents.
- Inform your drivers that driving behavior will be monitored and reported by Frotcom, to detect excesses.
- Train your drivers in eco-driving; if you do not have the expertise in house, there are several companies specialized in professional driving training which can help you.
- Check Frotcom’s Driving behavior module on a weekly or monthly basis and analyze the results.
- Place the names of the best drivers (for example the top 5) on an honor board. Consider recognizing the best driver or the best drivers with some kind of reward, even if it is symbolic.
- At the same time, help the drivers with the worst driving records by holding one on one meetings to discuss the issues in their driving patterns and the impact they have on fuel consumption, mechanics, gas emissions and risk of accidents. Always be sure to explore the reasons for that behavior. You do not want to be unfair.
- Repeat this every week/month. Register drivers’ progress.
Lear more accessing our Help Center.
Post tags:
- Driving behavior
- Tip of the month
- Fleet management system
- GPS vehicle tracking
- Intelligent fleets
- Driving Behavior Score
- High-speed acceleration
- Minimum mileage
- Display absolute values
- Customized scores